Profile Extract

Extract a general resource profile’s profile data.


def extract(
    data_set: str, 
    resource: str, 
    class_name: str, 
    segments: List[str] = [], 
    profile_only: bool = False
) -> Union[dict, bytes]:

📄 Description


Profile data extracted for experimental Segments and Traits are considered Experimental. See Segments and Traits for more details.


Note that it is recommended to extract profile data using the provided Getter functions in most cases.


profile = resource_admin.extract("TESTING","ELIJTEST", profile_only=True)
if profile["base"]["universalAccess"] == "read":
    # Do something

if resource_admin.get_universal_access("TESTING","ELIJTEST") == "read"
  # Do something.


Extract a general resource profile’s data.

📥 Parameters

  • resource
    The name of the general resource profile being extracted.

  • class_name
    The name of the class the general resource profile being extracted belongs to.

  • segments
    A list of additional segments to extract. The base segment is extracted by default, but providing one or more additional segment keys for other segments in the form of a list will result in those segments being extracted as well.

  • profile_only
    When set to True, only the extracted profile will be returned instead of returning the entire Security Result dictionary.

📤 Returns

  • Union[dict, bytes]
    Returns a Security Result dictionary or Security Request XML bytes if the ResourceAdmin.generate_requests_only class attribute is set to True.

❌ Raises

  • SecurityRequestError
    Raises SecurityRequestError when the SAF Return Code of a Security Result is equal to 4.
  • DownstreamFatalError
    Raises DownstreamFatalError when the SAF Return Code of a Security Result is greater than 4.
  • SegmentError
    Raises SegmentError when the list of segments provided contains one or more unknown segments.

💻 Example

The following example extracts the base segment of the general resource profile TESTING in the ELIJTEST class. The base segment is extracted by default whether or not other segments are specified in the segments list.

Python REPL
>>> from pyracf import ResourceAdmin
>>> resource_admin = ResourceAdmin()
>>> resource_admin.extract("TESTING","ELIJTEST")
{"securityResult":{"resource":{"name":"TESTING","class":"ELIJTEST","operation":"listdata","requestId":"ResourceRequest","commands":[{"safReturnCode":0,"returnCode":0,"reasonCode":0,"image":"RLIST   ELIJTEST             (TESTING) ","profiles":[{"base":{"class":"elijtest","name":"testing","level":0,"owner":"eswift","universalAccess":"read","yourAccess":"read","warning":null,"installationData":null,"applicationData":null,"auditing":{"failures":"read"},"notify":null,"generic":false}}]}]},"returnCode":0,"reasonCode":0}}
Security Result Dictionary as JSON
  "securityResult": {
    "resource": {
      "name": "TESTING",
      "class": "ELIJTEST",
      "operation": "listdata",
      "requestId": "ResourceRequest",
      "commands": [
          "safReturnCode": 0,
          "returnCode": 0,
          "reasonCode": 0,
          "image": "RLIST   ELIJTEST             (TESTING) ",
          "profiles": [
              "base": {
                "class": "elijtest",
                "name": "testing",
                "level": 0,
                "owner": "eswift",
                "universalAccess": "read",
                "yourAccess": "read",
                "warning": null,
                "installationData": null,
                "applicationData": null,
                "auditing": {
                  "failures": "read"
                "notify": null,
                "generic": false
    "returnCode": 0,
    "reasonCode": 0,
    "runningUserid": "testuser"