Individual Access

General Resource Profile Administration functions for checking an Individual User’s access to a General Resource Profile.


def get_my_access(self, resource: str, class_name: str) -> Union[str, bytes, None]:

📄 Description

Get the Running User’s access to a general resource profile.

📥 Parameters

  • resource
    The general resource profile to get the running user’s access level for.

  • class_name
    The name of the class the specified general resource profile belongs to.

📤 Returns

  • Union[str, bytes, None]
    Returns None when the general resource profile has no Your Access section defined for the running userid, otherwise the Access Level is returned as a string. If the ResourceAdmin.generate_requests_only class attribute is set to True, concatenated Security Request XML bytes will be returned.

❌ Raises

  • SecurityRequestError
    Raises SecurityRequestError when the SAF Return Code of a Security Result is equal to 4.
  • DownstreamFatalError
    Raises DownstreamFatalError when the SAF Return Code of a Security Result is greater than 4.

💻 Example

Python REPL
>>> from pyracf import ResourceAdmin
>>> resource_admin = ResourceAdmin()
>>> resource_admin.get_my_access("TESTING","ELIJTEST")


def get_user_access(self, resource: str, class_name: str, userid: str) -> Union[str, bytes, None]:

📄 Description


In order to use get_user_access, the caller must have at least UPDATE access to the userid.IRRSMO00 resource in the SURROGAT class, where userid represents the specific userid you wish to check access for. More information about IRRSMO00 authorizations can be found here.


Get a Specified User’s access to a general resource profile.

📥 Parameters

  • resource
    The general resource profile to get the specified user’s access level for.

  • class_name
    The name of the class the specified general resource profile belongs to.

  • userid
    The z/OS Userid whose access is being requested.

📤 Returns

  • Union[str, bytes, None]
    Returns None when the general resource profile has no Your Access section defined for the specified userid, otherwise the Access Level is returned as a string. If the ResourceAdmin.generate_requests_only class attribute is set to True, concatenated Security Request XML bytes will be returned.

❌ Raises

  • UserIdError
    Raises UserIdError when the z/OS userid provided is not a string value between 1 to 8 characters in length.
  • SecurityRequestError
    Raises SecurityRequestError when the SAF Return Code of a Security Result is equal to 4.
  • DownstreamFatalError
    Raises DownstreamFatalError when the SAF Return Code of a Security Result is greater than 4.

💻 Example

Python REPL
>>> from pyracf import ResourceAdmin
>>> resource_admin = ResourceAdmin()
>>> resource_admin.get_user_access("TESTING","ELIJTEST","SQUIDWRD")