Security Request Error

Understanding the SecurityRequestError exception.


Any time the SAF Return Code is greater than 4, a DownstreamFataError will be raised.


A SAF Return Code of 4 from IRRSMO00 is indicative of a failure with one or more of the RACF operations performed by IRRSMO00, and pyRACF will always raise a SecurityRequestError to bring attention to these failures.


When the SAF Return Code of a Security Result returned by IRRSMO00 is equal to 4, a SecurityRequestError will be raised to indicate that the request failed. A SecurityRequestError can be handled as follows.


Python Script
from pyracf import UserAdmin
from pyracf import SecurityRequestError

user_admin = UserAdmin()

    user_admin.alter("squidwrd", traits={"base:password": "passwordtoolong"})
except SecurityRequestError as e:
    return_code = e.result["securityResult"]["user"]["returnCode"]
    reason_code = e.result["securityResult"]["user"]["reasonCode"]
    messages = "\n".join(e.result["securityResult"]["user"]["commands"][0]["messages"])
    print(f"Return Code: {return_code}")
    print(f"Reason Code: {reason_code}")
Console Output
Return Code: 4
Reason Code: 0

Security Result Dictionary as JSON
  "securityResult": {
    "user": {
      "name": "SQUIDWRD",
      "operation": "set",
      "requestId": "UserRequest",
      "info": [
        "Definition exists. Add command skipped due  to precheck option"
      "commands": [
          "safReturnCode": 8,
          "returnCode": 16,
          "reasonCode": 8,
          "image": "ALTUSER SQUIDWRD  PASSWORD    (passwordtoolong)",
          "messages": [
            "IKJ56717I INVALID PASSWORD"
    "returnCode": 4,
    "reasonCode": 0,
    "runningUserid": "testuser"